04 November 2008


Originally uploaded by gloamingorchid
I brought some knitting along when I voted first thing this morning. The line moved so fast, though, that I didn't have the time to even open it.

09 June 2008

I love my cats, but . . .


is what happens when you let the cat use your yarn bag as a kitty bed.

And it leads to lots of this:

27 April 2008

Is there such a thing as too much coordination?

And, looky! A finished project!

22 April 2008

Osiris 2004-2008

Osiris, my beloved betta fish, passed on last night. He'd been with me almost 4 years.


This summer, he really got into sharing the Piddleloop love.


He enjoyed playing with his followers and offering advice.


He was a good fish. And I miss him.

09 April 2008

For Pets' Sake

I have been knitting. And real soon, I'll blog about it, but in the meantime, I have a favor to ask.

KTMay, a friend from Ravelry's Friends of P group, is trying to raise donations for the shelter that cared for her new dog, Vinnie, when he recently became ill. Vinnie is back home now and on the mend, and the shelter paid for all the veterinary costs. And there's a raffle of some very fine knitterly swag. So run to her blog and look at Vinnie's sweet face and give what you can.

PS You can still donate even if you have no interest in knitting.

26 March 2008

Spring? Where?

Originally uploaded by gloamingorchid
Even Osiris is wondering where Spring is this year. He's gathered a committee.

17 March 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Originally uploaded by gloamingorchid
May your St. Paddy's Day be green and friendly!!

(BMFA STR in County Clare with Blarney the Poppet.)

05 March 2008

Little Pink Poppet went on an Adventure

Originally uploaded by gloamingorchid
And came back with dragon.

26 February 2008

Poor Neglected Blog!

Originally uploaded by gloamingorchid
Feels like forever since I've been by here. So, I offer a token:

BMFA Socks That Rock heavy weight in Mystic Kelp with a reverse linen stitch heel.

I love how the heel turned out.